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Selectmen's Minutes 11/27/07
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday evening, November 27, 2007 at 7:30 p.m.

Present: Theresa McNulty, Chairman; David L. Walsh, Clerk; Peter A. Hamilton
        George Samia, Town Administrator
        Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant

M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the November 20, 2007 meeting.

M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to the easement application for pole locations as requested by the Massachusetts Electric Company for poles at the following locations:
                795 Crescent Street
                54 Leo Way

Mrs. McNulty expressed appreciation to George Roberts for volunteering to repair the damages to the gazebo on the Town Common after recent vandalism at no cost to the Town.

Mr. Samia reminded the Board that a vote must be taken at an upcoming meeting regarding Town opting into State’s GIC. Board requested it be placed on upcoming agenda.

Mr. Samia gave an explanation of the Stabilization Fund as part of his ongoing explanation of the various components of the budget process.

        Christmas on the Common events, November 29 and December 1.
        Casino Facts Committee – Informational Meeting, Friday, November 30, Town Hall

Margaret Strojny, Superintendent of Schools, met with the Board and went over the Town’s submission to the MSBA for High School and Central School proposed projects. Noted that the MSBA would be voting on and announcing those towns chosen in the 1st round of process. Explained the process if the town is chosen in the 1st round.

Mrs. Strojny thanked the Board for allowing her to make her presentation and stated that she would inform the Town as soon as word is received from the MSAB regarding the school projects.

Police Chief, John Cowen met with the Board and gave a review of the past year. Noted recent retirement of Alan Cunningham; four additional retirements in 2008, Officers Janice Cunningham, Antonio Ferreira, Carol Ferreira and Dispatcher Elaine Muise. Department had 23 fulltime officers, 8 P.I. officers and 3 civilian dispatchers.

Gave overview of several completed projects including new dispatch area, upgrade to 911 system, training of officers. Explained recent grant award of $250,000 from “Secure Our Schools” federal grant, requires 50/50 funding, will place an article on upcoming STM.

Future needs include STM article to train new officers prior to retirements taking place; article for replacement of departments handguns; implement new position in Department of a Lieutenant or Deputy Chief.

Chief Cowan stated that he has received an invitation from Richard Swan to attend the February Trade Show in Las Vegas. Noted the information that he garners when attending.

Board of Selectmen                              -2-                     November 27, 2007

A discussion was held with Chief Cowen regarding the Rediflex traffic cameras; it was noted that the state legislature is still discussing.

No one was present

Mr. Hamilton reported that articles regarding Sachem Rock Farm as tourist attraction appeared in the Plymouth County Business Review and Boston Globe South Weekly.

M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, move to adjourn Open Meeting.
VOTE: YES – McNulty, Walsh, Hamilton; a unanimous vote in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

        Board of Selectmen